Personal Information
Your real name: Sören Rogiers
Age and Country: 18 , Belgium
Tell us about yourself:
I am 110% Dedicated, I believe that what drives your guild is the sum of all the member's dedication to this guild and not to one self, putting the guild above all things.
I know my class good enough yet I don't claim to know everything as I know that there is always something new to learn and there is always a room for improvement. Also I take constructive criticism very seriously and would even ask for help if i had to as there is nothing wrong with wanting to improve yourself and I think that arrogance isn't going to get me far.
I'm serious when it comes to raiding and try to do my best in all raids while also try to be competitive at all times.
Always comes prepared to the raid with flasks.
I spend a lot of time reading about my class and figure out ways to improve it. I also like to think outside the box and try something original.I always put the guild above everything else as I don't care about mere loots.
Tell us about your history in WoW or other MMOs: quitted some time after the release of WoTLK but started a new rogue 6months ago. i've played Maplestory,runescape and knight online to
Info about your computer and internet connection: my computer is perfectly able to run wow on the highest possible settings.
Do you use an Authenticator?: no
How stable is your internet connection?: sitting next to my router so very stable.
How much fps do you normally have in 25man raids in combat? ~50
Whats your ping (latency) in dalaran? ~80
Does ANY other person have or will ever have access/password to your account? : no!
Did you read and understand the criteria for joining us inside the "Application Template"? Answer in Yes or No
Character Information
Character Name: Celestic
Class & Race: ud / rogue
Professions (including Cooking & Fishing): (State your skill and rare recipies also) cooking (325) fishing (~100) alchemy and jc (450)
Main spec: muti
Off Spec: combat i am flexible can use both perfectly
Armory Profile:
Information about your Keybindings: (We need to know what sort of keybindings you use for your spells/abiltiies.)
Do you have Ventrilo and a working microphone?: (Yes / No) yes
Previous PvE Experience:
Classic: everything
TBC: pvped in that expansion
WotLK: naxx, some bosses in ulduar, totc 10 (hc 4/5) , totc 25, icc10 ( 6/12), icc 25 (4/12) prepared for others.
Hodir rep level : exalted
First aid level : 450
Do you have any PvP experience? If so what rating and bracket? (High rating players is a huge plus)
my pvp character is xalde on darksorrow priest. 1800+
Do you have any out of game skills useful to the guild like web designing or movie making?:
I am currently studying web aided desing. i know java,PHP, vbnet,, mobile progamming and i am familiar with sony vegas and photoshop to
List names and class of every character you played at least up to level 70+(Experience with other classes is a small plus)
saltydog on shatterd hand (druid) and xalde (rogue)
Do you know anyone from Results May Vary? no
What do you expect from Results May Vary?
I expect from Results May Vary a proffessional Service, a supportive community, and a Friendly Environment whilst working at a good progression on end game raiding.
Are you fine with respeccing to a spec of the guilds need? Ofcourse.
We raid Thursday and Monday 19:00-23:00. Does the times suit you? i am perfectly able to raid
How active do you plan to be? What days can you and cant you raid? I am online everyday
Who controls your game time? (Wife/Girlfriend etc) I do
Any additional information you need to tell us?
I can assure you that I am a hardworking person and that I am anxious to obtain a position where I will be able to increase my knowledge and experience.
Post a Picture of your UI (User interface):