Personal InformationYour real name: Mads Bak
Age and Country: I'm 26 years, and I'm living in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Tell us about yourself: I'm studying law at the university of copenhagen, and I got a part time governmental job which is relevant for my education. In my spare time (when not playing wow) I hang out with friends, and tend to go out a lot. I'm also going to the gym once a day. I'm the type of person that, once I've decided upon something, I get it done (or at least don't stop till I've done my best to achieve whatever I set my mind upon). I'm an achiever, when I try to do things, my goal is always to be the best at what I'm doing (allthough sadly, I rarely am
Tell us about your history in WoW or other MMOs: I started playing wow around 2 years ago, when my old roommate introduced me to it, and I was hooked (this was shortly after all the Shattered sun offensive dailly quests was available on the isle of quel'danas). I played a hunter (Charmisnar, emerald dream) as a main for quite some time, and raided with it as a main as well. Shortly before wotlk was introduced, most of the server was dead (as people was waiting for the expansion). I then rolled a paladin, and played him as a main. I played him both as a tank and a healer (healer was my main specc) througout the start of wotlk. I took a break shortly before ulduar came out, and when I came back and rejoined my old guild (arctic vikings, emerald dream) I rolled a DK tank. The guild was almost at yogg by then, so I basically got thrown into tanking the whole instance the first night I raided again (was very stressfull as I had no clue what was waiting around the next corner, I had looked up tacs on all bosses' though). After some time I just didn't feel like the guild suited me anylonger, so I thought about what I wanted to do, and migrating seemed like a good option. Some of my old friends had also left the guild at this point. I migrated along with a bunch of friends, and we made a 10 man guild here on twisting nether. About this time I rerolled a resto druid, which has been my main since, and I simply love playing it.
In vanille I didnt play, so no raids done there (as lvl 60 at least).
In tbc I joined late, and I never got into serious raiding in tbc.
Info about your computer and internet connection: Playing on a Pentium Dual-Core T4300, 2,10GHz, 4GB ram, ATI Radeon HD 4570 graphics card.
Do you use an Authenticator?: Yes I do, core hound ftw =)
How stable is your internet connection?: I'm rarely having touble with my connection.
How much fps do you normally have in 25man raids in combat? around 25.
Whats your ping (latency) in dalaran? around 200 usually.
Does ANY other person have or will ever have access/password to your account? : Nope, I used to have someone handling parental controls during exam periods. I might do that again (I know its silly, but it works for me).
Did you read and understand the criteria for joining us inside the "Application Template"? Yes
Character InformationCharacter Name: Charmismis
Class & Race: Tauren druid
Professions (including Cooking & Fishing): (State your skill and rare recipies also) I dont have anything worth mentioning on this toon, and untill there will be some BoP gains (or fishing bosses like Lurker, etc.) I most likely wont level it as I have it maxed on 2 other toons.
Main spec: Well I've actually played resto as main up untill now, however I've started playing balance lately, and I really enjoy it. So for this application my main is balance =) My gear level aint that horrible (allthough I'm a wee bit under hit cap, and frightingly low on crit). My raw stats are: 3203sp, 281 hit, 24,78 crit (30,9 in moonkin form with motw) and 709 haste.
I'm still working a lot on my gear (you'll notice that my legs are sanctified resto legs).
Off Spec: Resto, been playing this ever since I rolled a druid, with the ICC ring (which is now the dps one) I'm 2 below haste cap (not worth switching the last gem out for haste over SP imo, been trying both and can't notice the difference). My raw stats are: 3222 SP, 853 haste, 710mp5 OOC, 393 in combat. I've got 3 sanctified pieces for this specc.
Armory Profile: Information about your Keybindings: (We need to know what sort of keybindings you use for your spells/abiltiies.)
Uhh, spam inc. For moonkin I use: 1=IS, 2=MF, 3=FF, 4=Hurricane, 5=Starfall, Shift+f=Roots, Shift+d=Force of nature(treants), shift+c=War stomp(tauren racial), shift+e=wrath, shift+r=Starfire, shift+x=Typhoon, Ctrl+mouse4=Tranquility, alt+mouse4=nastures swiftness+cyclone(macroed), shift+1=healthstone, shift+2=mana pot, shift+3=haste/wild magic pot, shift+a=natures grasp, shift+q=innervate, shift+w=trinket1, shift+s=barkskin, shift+4=moonkin form(or cancel it), shift+5=cat form, where a whole new set of keybindings appears. I don't know my cat keybindings by heart (as I'm rarely playing kitty), and mainly because of this I need my action bars showed =). On top of this I use grid+clique for combat rezzes and all my heals are bound there as well. I'm using Decursive as well.
Do you have Ventrilo and a working microphone?: Yes
Previous PvE Experience:
Classic: None (as lvl 60 at least).
TBC: Karazhan, first few in Zul'aman, Gruul, maggy, Lurker/hydross and some attempts on al'ar. Thats it.
WotLK: Cleared everything on normal except yogg/algalon, and don't think I went far into ulduar on 10 man. I never made any HM's in toc either (well I've done till anub on 10 man, but not till I outgeared the place).
in icc10: all on normal, first 3 on hc, rotface/fester and crimson hall on hc.
in icc25: all on normal, Marrowgar/gunship heroic, crimson hall heroic, rotface and valithria on heroic. Only done many of these once, but its still experience =)
Also got myself a RS 10 man kill the other day. Havent tried it heroic yet.
All my raid experience has been as resto. I've also cleared icc10 normal as a tank on my DK, and a few hardmodes as well.
Hodir rep level : Exalted
First aid level : 450
Do you have any PvP experience? If so what rating and bracket? (High rating players is a huge plus) I actually enjoy pvp, but I've never achieved anything worth mentioning =)
Do you have any out of game skills useful to the guild like web designing or movie making?: Nope, I dont.
List names and class of every character you played at least up to level 70+(Experience with other classes is a small plus)
Charmisnar, 80 hunter on emerald dream (my first toon)
Iamcharmis, 80 paladin (my 2nd toon and main for a long time).
Ninjapenguin, 80 warlock. Haven't played it that much, I havent even leveled it as it was given to me at a time where I had no account.
Charmis, 80 DK, played him as a main for quite some time as well, cleared icc10 + some hardmodes, and allmost all my pre-ICC experience is on this toon.
Charmismis (I'm really inventive when it comes to naming my toons eh?=)) my current main.
Do you know anyone from Results May Vary? Yes, my 2 mentors... I know Moomoojuju and Ljekar, Moomoo is the person I've known the longest whilst playing wow. He used to control the parental settings on my toon in exam periods, and he was the one who gave me the warlock account. He has also helped me out a lot when I started playing the druid. I'm also still chatting/playing with Ljekar almost everyday (mostly pvp'ing atm.). He used to be my guru when I started playing my DK =)
What do you expect from Results May Vary? I expect a mature guild, in which together we can enjoy every aspect of wow. I expect a bunch of good players where I can use and grow into my full potential in wow. I expect a guild that is based on raiding, and take this serious, but however can enjoy a good laugh when there is time for it as well.
Are you fine with respeccing to a spec of the guilds need? Yes, I love playing my drood, I'm very inexperienced as cat/bear though, however I love both resto and balance equally.
We raid Thursday and Monday 19:00-23:00. Does the times suit you? Perfectly.
How active do you plan to be? What days can you and cant you raid? I plan to be able to sign for and attend every single raid (except for special occasions ofc. The day before my exams, perhaps my moms birthday etc.).
Who controls your game time? (Wife/Girlfriend etc) Me, and only me.
Any additional information you need to tell us? Yes, I don't know if I missed anything about professions (apart from FA), but I'm currently a skinner+leatherworker. I'm intending to swap skinning for alchemy, and I'm actually farming on another toon for it atm. My leatherworking ain't maxed, but I do have the usefull self-enchants from it.
I also need you to know that I haven't been a moonkin for long, and as such only have limited raid experience with it. The time I did play it I enjoyed it a lot, and did good compared to the people I've been playing with. I still need some fine tuning. This being said, I also need to say that I know what I'm doing, I'm studying my class/specc a lot, and the orgrimmar dummy must hate me for taking it down quite a lot =) For some reason armory wont update. If you see me without Nibelung, it haven't updated my gear or specc.
Post a Picture of your UI (User interface): I've tweaked it just a tiny bit, but this is basically it atm.