Personal InformationYour real name: Lars Erik
Age and Country: Norway - 28 years old
Tell us about yourself: Living in the freezing north with my fiancé and boxer dog. Working regular hours with insurance on cars. My main interests besides wow evolves pretty much around motorsport wich I have competed in myself since I was 9 years old(karting first, then racing and some rallying in the later years.) Think I am quite outgoing and easy to get along with, and also now when its time to shut up and focus on what is being done.
Tell us about your history in WoW or other MMOs: Started playing October 2005, and have stayed in the same guild I joined November 2005 until quite recently. Been rading everything through ZG to ICC25(normal..well, done Lootship on heroic 25, but that does'nt really count does it ^^). Checking my armory, you will not find "oldschool" content on my restoshammy, as I've only been raiding on it since Ulduar. Back in ZG/MC/AQ I raided as hunter, and paladin/druid in TBC. I have always enjoyed learning new aspects of the game, and feels it gives me a better overview generally in game.
Info about your computer and internet connection: Running a intel i7 920, 875 GeForce, 6GB ram with a 20mb/s line.
Do you use an Authenticator?: Indeed.
How stable is your internet connection?: Very.
How much fps do you normally have in 25man raids in combat? It's quite stable around 50-60fps during most raids. Im honestly not 100% sure, but I never have problems even on the most graphic-heavy fights.
Whats your ping (latency) in dalaran? 25-35ms. However, Dalaran usually lag no matter what I do in peak-hours. Might just be my current server.
Does ANY other person have or will ever have access/password to your account? : No.
Did you read and understand the criteria for joining us inside the "Application Template"? Yes.
Character InformationCharacter Name: Chainhealer (Nordrassil)
Class & Race: Shaman / Draenei
Professions (including Cooking & Fishing): Fishing, Cooking and First Aid all on max. LW(ICC mail caster pants) and JC(Having tokens and buying patterns when people request).
Main spec: Resto
Off Spec: Switching between Enchancment and Elemental, as I'm hardly ever asked to use them. Have ~ICC10/25 in both of the offspecs.
Armory Profile: about your Keybindings: Using Logitech G13 and G19 keyboards side by side. Have my most used combat-casts bound to my mouse (5 buttons) and other bound to the 22+buttons on a G13(
Do you have Ventrilo and a working microphone?: (Yes / No) Yes.
Previous PvE Experience:
Classic:ZG/MC/BWL/AQ ruins cleared.
TBC: Raided pretty much on and off during TBC so not much experience to show from here. Done it all for fun during wotlk.
WotLK: Naxx/Ulduar/ICC10 cleared. Guild had a major knockback with members leaving during our progress in ICC25 and we are still working on LK25 unfortunatly.
Hodir rep level :Max
First aid level :Max
Do you have any PvP experience? If so what rating and bracket? Nothing much to brag of on this character.
Do you have any out of game skills useful to the guild like web designing or movie making?: Have been making the movies for my last guilds. My education is multimedia/webdesigning, but have not worked with it for a few years, so might be a tad rusty
List names and class of every character you played at least up to level 70+Played up to 80: Druid, Warlock, Hunter, Warrior, DK, Shaman, Rogue.
Do you know anyone from Results May Vary? Just bugged Lunaires, who was nice and answered some questions about your guild/raidtimes etc.
What do you expect from Results May Vary? Nice people, that are progress-oriented during raidtimes, yet understands that unfortunatly somethimes The Big Blue instance(RL) must come before WoW.
Are you fine with respeccing to a spec of the guilds need? Indeed.
We raid Thursday and Monday 19:00-23:00. Does the times suit you? A big part of why I apply. So yes.
How active do you plan to be? What days can you and cant you raid? Usually your raidtimes seems to fit me perfect. Activity would only be blocked by unforseen things.
Who controls your game time? (Wife/Girlfriend etc) Girlfriend, soon to be wife is not a gamer and does indeed not share my joy of raiding 4 nights a week until midnight++ as I currently do. I want to respect that.
Any additional information you need to tell us? From the amount of characters I have played, and the experience divided on different characters it might seems as I jump around all the time between characters. Let me just clearify that I am very dedicated to my main character for raiding, but as I seem to find myself in front of WoW a fair share I find it fun to learn other classes/roles to get a better idea of "the big picture". I also take joy in updating myself with current theorycrafting on EJ etc.
Post a Picture of your UI (User interface): Even better, you can have a movie. Its from the perspective of my combat-rogue from a ICC10; Adding video of UI from Shaman POV aswell. A few rather embaressing mistakes, but atleast gives a decent picture of the UI;