Personal Information
Your real name: Nick
Age and Country: I'm 27 years old and I live in the Netherlands
Tell us about yourself: I just moved back in with my parents again because my exgirldfriend kicked me out ^^ , I'm still a student still have 2 Years of studying to do.
Tell us about your history in WoW or other MMOs: I starded playing Wow about 6 months after release first character was a nelf warrior, I played her to 60 than I got bored of the warrior class. second class I played was a human rogue, basically I stuck to a rogue ever since. About a year ago the sever I used to play alliance on kinda died all my friends left, my guild was packing up, lots of new players, so I decided to make a fresh start son the side I hated so much before. and so my Belf rogue saw the light of day. before Wow i played Counterstrike pretty competitive for a few years
Info about your computer and internet connection: I'm running Wow on a pretty new machine Geforce 280 handels wow pretty well 4 gig of ram.
How stable is your internet connection?: I'm running a stable 4 mbit down 2mbit up connection.
How much fps do you normally have in 25man raids in combat? steady 60 fps
Did you read and understand the criteria for joining us inside the "Application Template"? Yes
Character Information
Character Name: Tekla
Class & Race: Bloodelf Rogue
Professions (including Cooking & Fishing): Alch and skinning cooking an fishing all maxed
Main spec: 51- 13 - 7
Off Spec: 41 - 5 - 25 pvp spec
Armory Profile:
Information about your Keybindings: im just using the 1 to 5 and shift 1 to 5 for spels I reguarly use. i've also bound my mouse buttons to hunger en coldblood
Do you have Ventrilo and a working microphone which you can use if needed?: Ofcourse
Previous PvE Experience:
Classic: mc bwl an Aq20 And 40 up to huhuran
TBC: I hardly played Pve here did some karazan set foot in SCC never finished it though
WotLK: naxx full ulduar Ive done most never did freya and yogg though on 10 man that is. on 25 i've only done the first 5 or 6 i believe.
Hodir rep level : Maxed
First aid level : Maxed
Do you have any PvP experience? If so what rating and bracket? I hardly pvp anymore I do have a fun team with some friends its about 1500 not really worth mentioning.
Do you have any out of game skills useful to the guild like web designing or movie making?: I can Cook pretty well. no webdesign or moviemaking though ^^
What do you expect from Results May Vary? Good one, what do I expect .. I think thats it only fair that when I free up time to raid there should be one, I know sometimes there wont be enough members on I can live with that, but atm Bog is struggling to even get 10 players on at raid days because of the summer holiday. When i know i have a raid day I don't make other plans if raids get canceled like every time that sucks. so what do I expect a bunch of peeps that are as active as me i guess.
Are you fine with respeccing to a spec of the guilds need? Rogues only spec is Dps wheater is daggers of swords that does not matter much does it?
We raid Thursday, Sunday and Monday 19:00-23:30. Does the times suit you? Yes they do suit me.
How active do you plan to be? What days can you and cant you raid? I can join every raid
Any additional information you need to tell us? Yes because I'm living with my father i have certain house hold chores one of them is unpacking out the dishwasher. That will take about 5 minutes and has to be done between 8 and 9 somewhere. Most of the time ill try to do that fast in a raid break since I don't know if you have raid breaks ill tell you in advance Im going to be Afk for 5 minutes
Post a Picture of your UI (User interface): Addons are pretty much to same they are today little less crowded though I also replaced the pitbull raidframes with grid since it takes up less space and changed binds around a little.
I also want to thank you for your time reading and hopefully commenting on my apply