Personal InformationYour Firstname: Oguz
Age and Country: 20 - Turkey
Tell us about yourself: Studying Comp Engineering at a university. If I'm at home, I'll probably be playing WoW.
Tell us about your history in WoW or other MMOs: I started with ToC patch in WotLK. I have been in some successful pugs. With ICC, I started my actual raiding.
Info about your computer and internet connection: E6420 2.13GHz cpu - gts250 vga - 2gb ddr2 ram. 1Mbit dsl.
Do you use an Authenticator?: No. I never needed an Authenticator.
How stable is your internet connection?: Stable. Not often, but sometimes (like once a month or even less), because of my ISP, it might not let me raid. But as I said, not often.
How much fps do you normally have in 25man raids in combat? 60-75.
Whats your ping (latency) in (dalaran) Orgrimmar? Around 100.
Does ANY other person have or will ever have access/password to your account? : 2 friends. Sometimes they boost their chars, etc.
Did you read and understand the criteria for joining us inside the "Application Template"? Yes
Character InformationCharacter Name: Naermorth
Class & Race: Goblin Rogue
Professions (including Cooking & Fishing): (State your skill and rare recipies also) Everything is 525. JC and Enc are the main profs.
Main spec: Assassination PvE
Off Spec: Sub PvP
Armory Profile: about your Keybindings: The ones that you cannot see on my UI picture are;
ctrl + 1 = Slice and Dice
ctrl + 2 = Redirect
ctrl + 3 = Cold Blood (I have it on the upper bar as well to see the cd status)
ctrl + 5 = Smoke bomb
ctrl + 6 = Gouge
ctrl + 7 = Dismantle
ctrl + 9 = Feint
F2 = putting either a healthstone or potion (agi or hp) depending on the fight
I have a gaming mouse. I'm pressing 6 - 7 - 9 - F1 - F2 - "ctrl + w" with my mouse's editable buttons.
Do you have Ventrilo and a working microphone?: Yes
Previous PvE Experience:
Classic: Everything with high gear, lvl.
TBC: Everything with high gear, lvl.
WotLK: ICC10/25 heroics 11/12 - RS25. Other than that, everything with high gear.
Cataclysm: Magmaw-Omnotron-Atramedes kills only due to lack of raid attandance. Killed conc of winds today. I have been on some other fights that I couldnt get a kill. Those are Al'akir - Halfus - Valiona/Theralion - Council - Maloriak.
Therazane Rep Level : Revered atm. Will work on it after I'm done with Earthen Ring (17k/21k rev atm)
First Aid Level : 525
Do you have any PvP experience? If so what rating and bracket? (High rating players is a huge plus) Not "experience".
Do you have any out of game skills useful to the guild like web designing or movie making?: I might help you with forum administrating if you need so. Have a bit of experience.
List names and class of every character you played at least up to level 70+(Experience with other classes is a small plus) DK - Mage - Druid.
Do you know anyone from Results May Vary? Mixalaras
What do you expect from Results May Vary? Proper 25man raiding.
Are you fine with respeccing to a spec of the guilds need? I might go for combat, if I had the gear for it.
We raid Thursday and Monday 19:00-23:00. Does the times suit you? Yes.
How active do you plan to be? What days can you and cant you raid? Only exam seasons can affect my raiding, but if "needed" I can still raid with you probably.
Who controls your game time? (Wife/Girlfriend etc) Hmm, myself
My mom addicted to my help, sometimes she distracts me, but that doesnt mean that shes contoling my play time.
Any additional information you need to tell us? I'm new on Twisting Nether, came from a shit realm. I dont have so many friends in TN yet
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